60 Seconds with… Rosalind Jana

Rosalind Jana – named also Roz – started her blog clothescamerasandcoffee two years ago.

We had the pleasure to talk to her about her style, her views, her inspiration and her passion for blogging!

What first inspired you to create a blog?

I live in a very rural area, where style and fashion aren’t exactly high on the agenda. So, initially inspired by bloggers such as Style Bubble and Sea of Shoes, I decided to start up a blog where I could showcase my outfits and meet like-minded people.

Is blogging your passion, profession or both?

Other people might not consider my blog to be a profession (I don’t have adverts on my blog – and therefore don’t collect any revenue). However, I put as much time into it as I would with a part time job. The whole process of styling, photography and writing makes it a real commitment! At the moment it’s a passion, but one that I hope may act as a rehearsal towards a profession.

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