Atelier Takagi

Atelier Takagi, founded in 2005 by Jonah Takagi, is a Washington based design studio meant to develop and present a growing body of design work that few had seen. Born in Tokyo (Japan) but raised in Connecticut, Jonah has been influenced by different cultures, which might explain his interest in minimalist design that is overall very practical. He studied Fine Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design and has worked for cabinets as well as on the design of sets and props for theater plays, television shows and movies. Not only interested in furniture design, Jonah plays bass guitar and has recorded with a few indie rock bands in the past. Year after year Jonah and his atelier have grown in momentum and been rewarded several times by important design institutions. The American Gothic Table, inspired by “Tinkertoys, Windsor chairs and wayward Puritans” debuted at ICFF* in New York in 2009. Earlier this year, Atelier Takagi unveiled the Spun Table Lamp and the Simple Machine(s) line of furniture at IMM* in Cologne and showed the American Gothic Table at the exhibit “American Design in Paris” during Maison & Objet*.

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