BIG Mail Junk
The small book with BIG ideas on Junk mail… Get super-sized, does your Mr. Winkie need upgrading, do you have a small pen!s, become a god of s’e_x…?!!* The small book « BIG », created by Italian designer Alessandro Esteri, is a creative and cleverly edited collection of the kind of junk mail we have all become used to fending off. Tired of the build up, Alessandro decided to use some of the most suggestive lines to compile a curious but elegant keep-sake, guaranteed to send its readers in to fits of laughter and / or embarrassment The content of these cheeky poems are anything but « sweet » and will surely raise a few eyebrows, but if you’re looking for an inspired gift for your naughtier friends then look no further ! ‘Mail Junk’ is the first one of a new quirky series. Available exclusively through the shop section of the Hand Made Group website :