Dal Pescatore

The list is compiled mostly with regard to seasonal products but there are special occasions and events such as Easter or New Year’s Eve that require special menus. The à la carte menu offers 6-7 hot or cold entrées; first courses of pasta dishes, soups and risottos; second courses include 2-3 river or sea fish dishes according to availability on the market. Then there are always meats on « dal Pescatore » menus, combined with the best of the season’s offer. Cheeses are exclusively of Italian provenance, and desserts are traditional local cakes or sweets or fruit. Some dishes are available all year round such as the traditional tortelli di zucca (pumpkin parcels), agnolini in brodo (tiny meat ravioli in broth), gras pistà, frittata con le erbe (herb omelette), « cappello da prete al barbera con polenta gialla Belgrano », and anguilla alle braci (chargrilled eel) but there are additions to the list every week. « Cuisine is not archeology, it goes hand in hand with Man’s progress and with Man, it is sometimes camouflaged, it changes to adapt itself to the needs of our time ». (Prof. Costantino Cipolla) Canneto sull’Oglio (Mantova) – Italy phone +39.0376.723001 fax +39.0376.70304 http://www.dalpescatore.com

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