Parfum d'Alibis

Messieurs nous en rêvions (certains diront que non…) voici un parfum aussi évocateur qu’utile: chaque fragrance est une odeur d’excuse potentielle, d’autant plus que  le seul endroit pour se procurer ce parfum est un club sympa de Cape Town…  ‘Alibis’ Now Available from Mavericks Revue Bar Mavericks Revue Bar, Cape Town’s premier Gentlemen’s Club, is extending its entertainment brand with a range of fragrances called ‘Alibis’. The fragrances, aimed primarily at men are entitled: ‘My Car Broke Down’ with the scent of fuel, burnt rubber, grease and steel ‘We Were Out Sailing’ with the scent of fresh ocean spray, sea salt, aqua and cotton rope ‘I Was Working Late’ with the scent of coffee, wool suits, cigarettes and ink The fragrance market is a natural extension for the sexy, sophisticated and upmarket Mavericks brand, and the idea of a range of ‘Alibis’ is one that will undoubtedly generate interest, particularly for gentlemen upon leaving the club.

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