Rebel and a Basketcase – Today
La sensation Rebel and a Basketcase : Grandiose Evan Rachel Wood de Westworld notamment & Zach Villa son conjoint, nous offre une electro pop résolument 80’s, qui s’écoute et se regarde avec une certaine délectation.
Vidéo digne d’un long métrage : Starring Evan Rachel Wood, Zach Villa, & Diana Malota
Featuring the students of the San Marin High School Drama Department in Novato, CA
Also Featuring LA based RBC Super-fans
Directed by Zach Villa & Evan Rachel Wood
Produced by Rebel and a Basketcase, HLG Studios, Amy Landon & Nick Nakahara
Concept by Evan Rachel Wood & Zach Villa
Styling by Evan Rachel Wood & Zach Villa
Cinematography by Justin Mark Morrison
Edited by Dashiell Reinhardt
VFX by Dashiell Reinhardt
Grip & Electrical – Diana Davis Dyer & Malie Mason
Audio – Bora Karaca
Color – Bobby Lam
Makeup – Toby Fleischman
Asst. to Ms. Wood – Taylor Wright
Photography: machete bang bang & lindsey byrnes
Special Thanks to Vanishing Angle, Angela Frost, The Study in Hollywood, CA & Linda Kislingbury with the San Marin High School in Novato, CA