Stade sponsorisé

Wayne Veysey s’interroge sur l’évolution du nom des stades, ceux – ci sont en Angleterre, pour certains rebaptisés en fonction des sponsors. D’après vous est ce un avantage ou préjudiciable ? En V.O : “In the short history of English stadium sponsorship, only a knowledgeable minority will be aware that it was a now-defunct club that set the ball rolling back in the days when the Premier League was only a glint in the eye of a few ultra-ambitious chairmen. Lowly Scarborough’s home was renamed the McCain Stadium – or the ‘Theatre of Chips’ by more mischievous fans – after the Yorkshire outfit sold the rights of the Athletic Ground to McCain Foods in 1988. Since then, many others have followed suit, from Bolton, Wigan, Stoke and Arsenal in the Premier League to Middlesbrough, Leicester, Colchester, Huddersfield and Shrewsbury in the lower echelons. (…)” By Wayne Veysey

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