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Published in 2002 and 2003 in editions of 1,000 copies each, both books quickly sold out and until now have only been available to view in exhibitions and conferences. At over 200 pages each, these volumes contain custom artworks by Boogie (USA) , Takeshi Hamada (JP), Antonio Riello (IT), Jon Burgerman (UK), Asizaka Koji (JP), Frederique Daubal (FR), Slavimir Stojanovic and Futro (SLO), Clay Weiner (USA), Anthony Burrill (UK), and many other artists working in and around the internet. These publications were featured in leading magazines including i-D, Dazed&Confused, Creative Review, Computer Arts, Tokion, Graphics International, Monument, X-funs, étapes, +81 and newspapers such as La Liberation, De:Bug, and D della Repubblica as well as discussed in a number of books on contemporary art and culture such as Jeremy Leslie’s « MagCulture » (Lawrence King Publishers), Lauren Parker’s « Interplay » (V&A Contemporary) and Steven Heller and Mirko Ilic’s « Handwritten » (Thames & Hudson).

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